适配最新版 tiny_gltf.h,只做了以下改动,转换后发现纹理没有了。
tinygltf::Material make_color_material_osgb(double r, double g, double b) {
tinygltf::Material material;
material.name = "default";
@@ -458…
E:\Development\UnrealProjects\3dtiles\p\x64-windows-release\bin>_3dtile.exe -f gltf -i E:\Development\UnrealProjects\3dtiles\data\test/test.osgb -o E:/gzq/工作/a/data/osgb/test.glb
Error reading file E…
@scially 你好,请问我在linux的docker环境编译该工具。安装依赖后顺利编译,这是`ldd`输出的所有的依赖,GDAL/Qt/OSG都已经按要求的版本装了:
linux-vdso.so.1 (0x00007ffd30bbd000)
libQt5Xml.so.5 => /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libQt5Xml.so.5 (0x00007ffbbb…
倾斜模型转换时设置重建顶层命令-m true时,报如下错误,请问大神该如何解决呢
ConvertApp -f OSGB -m true -i dir1 -o dir2
Error reading file /Top/Top_2_0_0.osgb: file not found
OSGB format has been a very popular format and used widely, so is there any plan to add the development list?
Request suppot of the OSGB coordinate system as an alternative to Lat/Long. This is the standard system used in the UK.
This feature is supported in most standalone GPS units and Android mapping ap…
**Description:** Service users have warned that brownfield land data has lots of entities with points well outside of England. It appears that these are correctly being identified by the pipeline as d…