Dear orr,
Thanks for your opening code again, but when I use this code, I found a question about exemplar_replay_prev_file. When I finish the code
python -u main_open_world.py \
I'm interested in your work, thanks for making the code open-source. I noticed that you've shared the weights and proposals for the S-OWOD benchmark on the [drive link](https://drive.google.co…
Can I leave an email or qq-number to discuss the paper"UC-OWOD: Unknown-Classified Open World
Object Detection"
Hello ,thank you for your greater work .
I have completed the virtual environment installation, pytorch=1.11, and there have been many versions of prtorch that have not worked.
(rowod) root@5bab6…
So I have been trying to implement the old TOWOD data split. I found that the images specified there are the VOC2007 classes. However, there is a bug where the classes defined at the top of "data…
KeyError: 'Non-existent config key: OWOD.CLUSTERING.UNK_THRESH'
how can i slove it ?
I guess this code is used to load Selective Search results.
Could y…
Hi guys! Have you encountered this problem before? How did you solve it?
My environment is Python 3.8+torch1.10+cuda113;reliability == 0.5.6
Thank you!