OXID 6.2.0 throw an error in log file:
`[2020-04-10 10:22:46] OXID Logger.ERROR: Function 'validateMetadataExtendSection' does not exist or is not accessible! (OxidCommunity\ModuleInternals\Core\Modu…
Customer had an attribute with Title _Shopattribute "New"_
When open module setting page section _feed settings_, adding a new attribute is not possible and stored attributes are not displayed.
After checking the project out and running `docker-compose up` I get an error screen and I'm unable to do anything further (i only changed the loglevel in the config)
The module extends e.g.
`OxidEsales\EshopCommunity\Core\Module\ModuleInstaller`. In this class, the PhpDoc states: "@internal Do not make a module extension for this class." With OXID eShop v6.2.0-b…
[2019-01-17 10:38:59] OXID Logger.ERROR: Function 'getAutoloader' does not exist or is not accessible! (OxidCommunity\ModuleInternals\Core\InternalModule)
["[object] (OxidEsales\\Esho…
This dependency to oxid-console should get either removed or regist…
with the new Payone release 1.0.9 these errors occured in the Payone unit tests using our [b-6.1.x branch](https://github.com/OXID-eSales/oxideshop_ce/tree/b-6.1.x):
> There were 7 errors:
I have a OXID eShop running with ddev / ngnix and everything works fine.
Tried to change to Apache, but there I have problems to run the website with ssh.
I get "ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS" in admin-are…
When deactivating the module (v2.5.1) in OXID eShop 4.10 an exception (`oxSystemComponentException`) is thrown in `bestitAmazonPay4Oxid_oxViewConfig::getSelfLink()` when calling `$this->_getContainer(…
Module version v1.0.6 is causing an exception when module is not yet active: