Paddy's doc: [link](https://amsuni-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/s_khanna_uva_nl/ERDGMTMQ9wFNvnQhxav92ukBodcCBJ9JDUPR5aPjnAAb4Q?e=cuGWQl)
- **Shadowbanning**: Content visibility is restricted wi…
We are using the `lang:[]` macro in the ISO Rice document, to output `variant` as multilingual variants of term designations. But we have done away with the `variant` element, outside of organisation …
Paddy Richter调音方式,由著名口琴演奏家 Brendan Power所开发。
1. It is a tradition for people to write their own "credos", adaptations from orthodoxy where appropriate, but subjugated and within the concept of subsidiarity (subject to where one places …
We've started trialling Paddy 2 with Plant and since the files have sync'd across to my team the buttons that have been set up with Paddy 2 with nested symbols no longer behave as they were before.
To reproduce, start Mailtutan locally (I did so via docker), make sure there are no messages, then run
curl localhost:1080/api/messages/1/html
and see that the server crashes:
## Description
When SVGs are rendered with duplicate IDs dynamically that point at patterns, the patterns show/hide on scroll. This ID collision is global (you will see weird behavior based on…
At the moment, these losses are computed after solving the linear ODE that accounts for physico-chemical processes, and before the application of new chemicals. The volume used for this computation is…
Hey all!
I know a lot of people have been having issues with Paddy not being super reliable with automatic updating etc.
I've begun completely re-writing Paddy – it should be a lot more reliable…
### Bug report
#### Expected behavior: resize elements
#### Actual behavior:
Sketch crashed after Paddy.
#### Steps to reproduce:
Any file or new file (create or open file).