1. class:| person | rider | car | truck | bus | train | motorcycle | bicycle |
2. my: | 58.419 | 60.035 | 70.148 | 45.800 | 62.820 | 47.403 | 48.602 | 59.398 …
I noticed that the structure in your code is inconsistent with the structure in the paper. In your code, VoCoHead uses a student-teacher model, which is not mentioned in your paper. So, how is the met…
blofn updated
1 month ago
I recently tried to reproduce the results of your paper, but I was unable to achieve the results of the paper. I trained with two 3090 students and batchsize of 12, and the learning rate is the same a…
Dear Author,
I have reimplemented your VAE model using the Disaggregator class from nilmtk_contrib. The experimental hyperparameters are as follows: epoch=10,batch size = 64, window size = 512, lea…
Thank you for the code and data. However, when I reproduced this paper, the model results were inconsistent with the paper without modifying any parameters and data.
May I ask if there are any more d…
Hi @leolyj,
thank you for sharing code and data of your very interesting work!
When trying to reproduce the results from your paper, I encountered the following two issues:
1) for GTA-SF --->…
Hi, I would like to thank you for sharing these routines. Do you happen to share the replication code for your research paper?
When looking at the DEMO.m file, I am confused about how to obtain a …
Hi, thank you guys for your outstanding work. And I would like to first reproduce the experiment listed in your paper and then finetune the model on my own dataset. Could you please help to provide th…
Thanks for your code. I downloaded your model of K7_rgb_coco and tested for frame mAP (using flip_test and N=100 by default) in ucf101-24, it gets 71.39 which is pretty lower than the given result 73.…
thanks for open source code!
I have problem with reproduction of your results on ava dataset, How should I set parameters to train your model on ava from scratch?