Hi, [Microkube](https://github.com/rubykube/microkube) does not have trading UI for `peatio: 2.2.3` How to add trading UI on microkube?
(Updated Both)
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when running about 15 blockchains the sole blockchain.rb process cannot keep up.
when starting multiple threads of it, it can occur that a deposit is credited multiple times
It seems to be happe…
`Psych::SyntaxError: (): mapping values are not allowed in this context at line 7 column 13`
Get this error when try to run pestio also it cant find the Gemfile or Rakefile even though there there
{"level":"WARN","time":"2023-01-19 21:02:35","message":"Error: undefined method `fetch' for nil:NilClass. Sleeping for 10 seconds"}
{"level":"ERROR","time":"2023-01-19 21:02:46","message":"#
slim, scss, coffee 등 분석 필요
I see Peatio has v2.3.3 and how do I upgrade Microkube to v2.3.3 according to Peatio?
Hey man,
Awesome job you did here. Thanks a lot!
I want to ask you if you know how to implement erc20 token support into peatio, can't find anyone who could except RubyKube's version of peatio, whic…
what are the files that need to be edited to add a new coin to peatio (running in the microkube framework)?
I have peatio local repo already, just want to know which files to change for a new …