Test censuscope on pegasus using NT and slimNT.
Graph node attributes contain inconsistent node attributes depending on initialization.
This makes downstream code unnecessarily complex and unreliable
import dwave_networkx as dnx
P =…
Hola, tengo una duda con algunos test cases de estas habilidades. Por lo que entiendo la habilidad tiene 3 efectos:
_ejemplo con Pegasus Flight_
1. Siempre inflige Atk/Def-4 en el rival
2. Inflig…
Initially at [Benjamin_Loison/Debian/issues/61](https://codeberg.org/Benjamin_Loison/Debian/issues/61).
See the low FPS rate at bottom right, especially when consider whole screen. Should consider …
You can reproduce this in the [Pegasus tutorial container](https://pegasus.isi.edu/documentation/user-guide/tutorial.html). I downloaded the `montage-workflow-v3.sif` and modified the apptainer comman…
# A missing reward update in UsualSP::removeOriginalAllocation will cause reduced reward accumulation for users
### Summary
The missing reward update in `removeOriginalAllocation` w…
Currently, there is no version in .exe files:
> Verified: Unsigned
> Link date: 12:01 16.09.2024
> Publisher: n/a
> Company: pegasus-frontend.org
> Description: Pegasus emula…
Select an option
1.Open config file to add new systems
2.Scrape your existing systems
3.Add launch commands manually(Read the DISCLAIMER)
4.Add launch commands automatically
5.Configure Pegasus…
It is useful to permute node and edge orderings in graph creation for example to randomize the behaviour of otherwise deterministic methods.
- dwave_networkx graph node ordering doesn…
## Package Information
- Package name: pegasus-frontend
- Latest released version: 0-unstable-2024-11-11
- Current version on the unstable channel: 0-unstable-2023-12-05
- Current version on…