Implement class `Pen` and class `Paper` - a `Pen` is created with an amount of ink. It can write on the `Paper`. Handle not enough ink problem. `Paper` should know what is written on it. `Paper` shoul…
I have encountered the problem that there are many playlists on youtube where the new episodes are appended to the end.
As a result, new episodes are not detected and the feed remains unchanged.
padok updated
2 years ago
v2.1.3 - for some reason the "loaded" emit isn't stopping it from continuing to load results down the page. I'm pretty sure this was working before, but I can't figure out why this is happening.
Bitte mal testen, wo Kollisionen sinnvoll wären oder auch Layer falsch laufen.
- Ich kann der Statue auf den Kopf treten?
- Der Hut/Helm bei der Rüstung ist nicht drauf sondern liegt daneben und m…
ACHTUNG: Bereinigter Master-Branch
Ich hab den Master-Branch bereinigt, also die tsx Files und fehlerhaft eingelegte Dateien, die wir in einer Anfängerfehlerphase angelegt hatten aus der History gewo…
Make it work with the following usecase:
var pen1 = new Pen ();
var paper1 = new Paper ();
pen1.write(paper1, 'Hi.\n');
pen1.write(paper1, 'I think, inks are running low.\…
keep getting this error in IE and Mac safari and iOS devices.
in pageheader it …
Menu snaps back after I change my orientation from portrait to landscape vise versa, any idea on this issue?
**App Name:** Pen and Paper
**Bundle ID:** com.mexircus.penandpaper
**iTunes ID:** 425893570
**iTunes URL:** https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pen-and-paper/id425893570?mt=8&uo=4
**App Version:** 1.8.3