[ACE - Automated, Collection, and Enrichment Platform](https://www.kitploit.com/2018/01/ace-automated-collection-and-enrichment.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=facebook&m=1)
Hey @Len-L can you please implement a single pyproject.toml or setup.py file to install both of Pentest and Defense one shoot without prompting as occurs in the current setup.py?
Can you also translat…
From PentestBox 2.0 it has nearly all security tools available, but wireless support was always the demand.
This is some serious problem, i searched a alot about it and found that there is any Native…
Like [lambda-packages](http://github.com/Miserlou/lambda-packages), but for netsec toys..
I have installed the tool and while running it,the following error was prompted:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "./ptf.py", line 8, in
from core.excute import main
File "/opt/Pen…
Athena OS relies on Athena repository that contains 2800+ pentesting and security tools.
[Github Organization](https://github.com/Athena-OS)
When I want to install Pentest Tool on Kali I am getting an error like below.
It doesn't give me a choice for Operating system
#python install.py
**Describe the bug**
When i end my input with shift + right-arrow, pentestgpt gave me error. I use macos Sonoma 14.5 and latest pentestgpt version
pentestgpt --reasoning_model=gpt-4
### The needs
I would like a log system that takes into account the entire exegol session
### Description
Hello everyone,
thank you for your work, it's a pleasure to use it every day
### Describe the issue
Users want to verify they port forwarded correctly by using port checkers.
Currently, the server doesn't respond to just any UDP message. Update to latest LiteNetLib versio…