Currently the personnummer slice for Patient.identifier.value is a string type which opens up for arbitrary use (for example 19121212-1212, 191212121212 or 121212-1212 or 1212121212) which could mean …
Som en användare vill jag ha möjlighet att ändra mina uppgifter i systemet så jag visar korrekt data.
- [ ] Alla personuppgifter utom personnummer
- [ ] UNO-kod om det finns
- [ ] Möjlighe…
- aggregation and composition are two different things with two different types of arrow. In the course, we use composition
- the example diagram does not make sense:
The 'personnummer'-field is not validated properly when buying a membership. Make sure that the personnummer contains the correct amount of numbers
While working on [reproducible builds](https://reproducible-builds.org/) for [openSUSE](https://en.opensuse.org/openSUSE:Reproducible_Builds), I found that our `python-stdnum-1.20` package sometimes f…
It is recommended to store and process personnummer in 12 digit form (`YYYYMMDDBBBC`) to avoid ambiguity, since the 10 digit form with +/- depends on date of entry. Currently [personnummer.ts](https:/…
Har provat öppna filen som admin och ändrat så alla har behörighet att spara men den blir tom.
Det enda jag har fått i den är "ange personnummer"
Filen Uxxxxxxxx_2023_2023.csv är bara 69kb.
Vi prøver å validere fødsels- og personnummer for en person født i 1891, og den hard-koda grensa på 125 år i denne koden gjør at validering feiler:
function possibleAgesOfPersonWithIdNumber(el…
Currently, the package lacks support for validating Swedish Personal Numbers, commonly known as Personnummer. This feature would enhance the system's functionality by accommodating a…
## Description
Currently this package only supports two ways to format a personnummer default: 830621-9299 and long: 198306219299. In my experience, there are generally four ways that a personnumme…