D:\PyCode\Detection-PyTorch-Notebook-master\venv\Scripts\python.exe D:/PyCode/PersonReID/Relation-Aware-Global-Attention-Networks/main_imgreid.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:/PyCode…
python train.py --cfg ./logs/prw_coat/config.yaml --eval --ckpt ./logs/prw_coat/prw_COAT.pth
When I entered this line of command during the test phase, this error was displayed, that is,…
Please, what is the reason for this?
File "/home/bobo/E/xxx/paper4_reid_2021/PersonReID-NAFS-main/models/model.py", line 76, in forward
local_text_feat = local_text_feat.view(-1, n_sep, local_te…
Hi,I want to re-implement this code to a pytorch version do you have some suggestions?
about the state data, the memory and the agent?
Thank you so much,
In Data Preparation, step2(Put reid_raw.json under project_directory/data/)
where is the reid_raw.json?
Dear author, I think i have understood your code and achieved its running. However, i also have some questions, i do not find the part about dynamic training in code. And I find the ID Loss and Triple…
I trained the model without any changes, with the default training strategy (set in run.sh), but obtained 54.2% R@1.
Would you please tell me how to achieve the reported 61.5% R@1 performance as in …
In Vitis-AI2.0, we first used mode='calib' to export quant config and then used mode='test' to dump xmodel. But in Vitis-AI2.5, the released quantizing code is quite far away from that in 2.0, the qua…