- [ ] Verifikation Eikonal
- [ ] Verifikation Kontinuitaetsgleichung
- [ ] Verifikation gekoppeltes System
This will be crucial for comparisons to the state of the art.
@etiennedreyer and I have been working on this a little already.
One question is whether we really want UFO's here, as that's the "…
#43025 updated several PFlow producers to read thresholds for HCal RecHits from the EventSetup (via the object `HcalPFCuts`), as opposed to reading them as a list of values from the PSet of each produ…
I'm sorry to bother you
I want to change this model from zero-shot to finetune with less data
When I use 4 data (repeated about 10 times) = 40 data for training. But He will keep popping up errors. …
Is it possible to use AlignerNet (aligner.py in pflow-tts repo) instead of MAS in VITS2?
What should be changed in the code? I am a bit confused on what the inputs should be.
I installed `black`(`pflow install --dev black`) and set `"python.autoComplete.extraPaths": ["__pypackages__/3.7/lib"]` , but VSCode formatter did not work.
Setting `black` path to `__pypackages__…
Any experiment give the result of pflow compare to vits2. Which is better?
## Bug Description
The porous flow test: flux_limited_TVD_pflow.pffltvd_1D_adaptivity_threads fails quite often in threaded mode and we have to invalidate the target to get it to pass. It looks l…
to infer on custom model (single speaker), this is called:
`python pflow/cli.py --file $INPUT_FILE --checkpoint_path "$CHECKPOINT_PATH" --vocoder "hifigan_univ_v1" --spk $SPEAKERID`
it loads custo…
I'm trying to finetune from pretrained model pflow-2000.ckpt on custom multi speaker dataset in German, in the first 16 epoch we trained without issue, but now i get many RuntimeError like below. Does…