In Zukunft sollte auch EMS in Moped integriert werden. Für EMS gibt es einen Draft Implementierungsleitfaden für CDA der bereits wesentliche Daten-Elemente aufzeigt: https://wiki.hl7.at/index.php?titl…
It looks like there is some sort of publication issue for the profile official URLs. For example, the Official URL from [UDS Plus MedicationStatement](https://fhir.org/guides/hrsa/uds-plus/StructureD…
Hi, I am looking for a PHP FHIR client model code generation library that supports profiles other than core STU3/R4. This library looks great - and about the only one for PHP - but unfortunately gener…
When validating the message for use case 5 (https://fhir-testserver.be/index.php/user/secured/testgroup/details?id_testgroup=35) we get this error:
actual: false,
§ field: "Bundle.entry.where(r…
Hello all,
I am new to this and I have some basic questions.
I managed to generate a .json file in FHIR standard from the laboratory information system (GLIMS) (I edited this a bit with a text e…
Hi everyone!
I am trying to convert CDA to FHIR with the FHIR Validator, as explained [there](https://confluence.hl7.org/display/FHIR/Using+the+FHIR+Mapping+Language#UsingtheFHIRMappingLanguage-run…
nriss updated
3 months ago
I submitted a file for test case 10B (incoming messages ID 847 & 848) but its status comes out as "Error in FHIR validation", and they don't show up in "My test results". The file was however succesfu…
(from https://jira.hl7.org/browse/FHIR-13885)
As part of the FHIR QA Conformance Criteria, each Search Parameter must have an "expression" present. See item 5u on http://wiki.hl7.org/index.php?titl…
Since uuid (and related processes) were added to support FHIR, does it make sense for the registry data be stored only if FHIR REST API is enabled for the installation thru `rest_fhir_api` global?
We utilize redirects to manage multiple connections through a single gateway. For example:
redirects to