Despite extensive fussing over the sensitivity, threshold, and motionAverage settings of config.py of pi-timolo, I experience many false positive motion events with the NoIR pi camera. The regular pi…
Do you plan to update the library for users that use the new Bullseye OS? Unfortunately, the integration of the camera with Python was not part of the release and makes a lot of projects incompatible.…
The latest Raspian build (Bullseye, Debian 11) only comes with python 3, so you have to manually install python 2 and then change the default version to get the webserver running. I used the following…
Hi Brandon,
Great Work!
I was working on the project and would like to know the procedure to integrate your system with Cloud Platforms for Remote Access.
is there a possibility to save a low light video on a motion event? Or is that not possible due to the long shutter time?
I am using a IR Cut Camera.
Thanks for the help.
Cheers Paul
I have this camera: http://www.amazon.com/Waveshare-Raspberry-Camera-Version-Raspberry-pi/dp/B00N9YWLHE?ie=UTF8&psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_detailpage_o07_s00
When I run carspeed.py It cannot imp…
Jeff. Love your project. I am working on a project that uses multiple RPI 's with camera's could be webcams as well. The hub program starts and waits for the currently three sender RPI's to send an…
Hi there,
I'm trying to run speed-cam.py with Python 3.9.2 on a Raspberry Pi 4. I've installed OpenCV with `sudo apt install python3-opencv` and it has successfully installed itself. I've also inst…
Hi, thanks your awsome work.
I have a problem: If I want to use a stepper motor to drive a horizontal rotation of 360 ° , take a picture at each degree, and finally synthesize a panoramic image. W…
This has been working well for me, but stopped today, not sure why.
When I run ./pi-timolo I get:
pi-timolo.py ver 12.52 written b…