An AUR user has reported that the purging test fails when check is enabled in the PKGBUILD.
Can anyone reproduce the problem using `makepkg` on an Arch-based system? Or have you also experienced it…
Is it already possible to install pi-top support straight from Raspberry Pi OS Bullseye repos? Or should I follow https://knowledgebase.pi-top.com/knowledge/pi-top-and-raspberry-pi-os ?
Hi guys, I'm simply trying to build and install on Pi OS Buster 64.
I'm using the 'setup.py build' then 'setup.py install' method after cloning the repository.
It seems that the hangup is that pypi…
Hello, following [pi-top-and-raspberry-pi-os](https://knowledgebase.pi-top.com/knowledge/pi-top-and-raspberry-pi-os) to get support for pi-topd on Raspberry Pi OS 64bit won't work.
Packages from yo…
`pt-device-manager` is now called [`pi-topd`](https://github.com/pi-top/pi-topd) for Bullseye onwards. System service check should be done for `pi-topd` as well as `pt-device-manager`, to support both…