FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: 'pretrained_models/cityscapes/PIDNet_S_Cityscapes_val.pt
Hello, I am trying to train PIDNet but its failing during the validation in training.
This is the error message I am getting:
File "pidnet.py", line 486, in forward
x_d += F.interpolate(
Convert PIDNet to torch.fx and compress it through PyNetsPresso into a single .py file.
- [ ] Load PIDNet
- [ ] Convert the loaded PIDNet to torch.fx
- [ ] Compress PIDNet converted to torch.fx v…
=> creating log/oilpollution/pidnet_small/pidnet_small_oil_raw_2023-05-09-14-46
Epoch: [1/175] Iter:[5/169], lr: ['0.009999'], Loss: 145.18, Acc:0.00, Semantic loss:
Traceback (most recent call la…
python tools/custom.py --a 'pidnet-s' --p './pretrained_models/cityscapes/PIDNet_S_Cityscapes_test.pt' --t '.png'
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tools/custom.py", line 94, in
tcoln updated
4 months ago
Hey, I have been working on a similar project
Instead of using hough lines etc, you might want to look into PIDNET
It is a new segmentation network that works well enough and it is quite fast
作者你好 你的train.py文件中从utils导入了Fullmodel,但是文件中没有这段代码,我尝试从PIDnet代码中找到该代码并复制到你的项目中,但是参数数量对不上(train.py文件中调用FullModel使用了两个变量,但是在utils.py文件中FullModel的forward函数需要三个变量),可以提供完整的代码么
Hello author Your train.py f…
PIDbNET: Grad strides do not match bucket view strides. This may indicate grad was not created according to the gradient layout contract, or that the param's strides changed since DDP was constructed…