### Checklist
* [x] I can reproduce this issue when running this plugin on its own.
*Other plugins, such as `node-resolve` are known to cause issues.*
* [ ] I am running this plugin on `.d.ts` …
### Problem
I get this error when trying to compile the following with pkgroll:
`UnsupportedSyntaxError: namespace must have a "ModuleBlock" body.`
declare namespace foo.bar {
### Feature request
pkgroll bundles don't include sourcemaps for declaration files
See https://www.typescriptlang.org/tsconfig/#declarationMap
### Motivations
I want to implement pkgroll across …
### Problem
the issue only happens in a very specific case:
- library builds on `prepare` (repro: https://github.com/cruzdanilo/repro-pkgroll-lib)
- library has a type-only reexport (https://gith…
### What problem does this feature solve?
Tools like [`pkgroll`](https://github.com/privatenumber/pkgroll) and [`microbundle`](https://github.com/developit/microbundle) offer zero-configuration sup…
mport { A } from '@mobily/ts-belt';
SyntaxError: Named export 'A' not found. The requested module '@mobily/ts-belt' is a CommonJS module, which may not support all module.exports as …
### Feature request
One downside of hard links is that if a source file in your dependency is not changed but deleted and re-created by the build process, then the hard link is broken.
So the requ…
### Problem
for the following exports:
"exports": {
"./modules/dayjs.js": {
"import": {
"types": "./dist/modules/dayjs.d.ts",
"default": "./dist/modules/dayj…
### Feature request
Basically, let us say my project contains the following typescript files:
- a.ts
- b.ts
- c.ts
**a.ts and b.ts both depend on c.ts.**
If my package.json has this:
* **I'm submitting a ...**
[X] bug report
[ ] feature request
[ ] question about the decisions made in the repository
[ ] question about how to use this project
* **Summary**