## Description
This is a follow up on task #120. The GOES methane plume viewer needs further UI work to be done.
## Items to Address
- [x] Drawer not to overlap the mapbox controls.
- [x] Animation …
# Eight | Plume blog
Add github workflow for the new addition to the Custom-Interface, i.e. GOES-Plume-Viewer.
- [x] Add coverage
- [x] Add plumes list
- [x] Add start and end calendar filter
- [x] Add hovers/click events to tie up plumes with legend items
- [x] Sort plumes by dates in legend
- [x] Add thumbn…
- [x] Add animation slider inside toolbar
- [x] Add animation functionality
- [x] Add plumes markers on slider
- [ ] Add coverage markers on slider
- [ ] Make the plumes markers clickable
Dans l'archétype "classique" de plume, on retrouve un fichier WebApplication.java.
Ce dernier comporte en son centre un commentaire qui contient une erreur de frappe qui est visible lorsqu'on décomm…
dokor updated
2 weeks ago
### Initial request
ECMWF is proposing new parameters for Fire emission forecasting.
### Amendment details
ADD to Code Table 4.2 Product discipline 2 - Land surface products, parameter categ…
sebvi updated
14 hours ago
Mock design by @sandesh-sp : https://www.figma.com/proto/l1F72xSr5BlZ9zt34nJgwn/Emit?page-id=0%3A1&node-id=1-2&node-type=canvas&viewport=-184%2C356%2C0.33&t=FkI5moRarkmCwfr1-1&scaling=contain&conten…
WI-V5.0.1.1469 Firebird 5.0
the sequence of actions:
1) I am creating a database using the ddl.sql script
2) I save the database in fbk
3) I restore from fbk with the option "Deactivate indexes"…
Like in BIOSCREEN, a module in the package should be responsible for generating an overview of the mass balance of the modeled area. This includes plume mass with and without biodegradation, changing …