### Introduction
SQLPage throws on `json_object`
### To Reproduce
A simple form component with one input child. Its child is a select with options. The example is borrowed from the postgres d…
I'm not sure if this should parse, Postgres for example also fails, but if possible it would be nice if this at least parsed if not executed correctly.
I tested this in datafusion-cli, but original…
sharding-proxy logs
2024-11-20 16:07:41.689 [ShardingSphere-Command-3] DEBUG o.a.s.proxy.frontend.command.CommandExecutorTask - Exception occur:
**Describe the bug**
We rely on `node-sql-parser` for being able to extract fully qualified columns from a postgres expression. A change, as of 5.3.4, has broken our assumptions and we are unsure o…
Hi :wave:
I'm the creator of [Azimutt](https://azimutt.app), a database exploration tool using [AML](https://azimutt.app/aml) for the design part (similar to dbdiagram/DBML) and finally took time …
Version: `@electric-sql/pglite": "^0.2.14`
I'm trying to setup PGLite in my typeorm project for testing. I'm using jest + SWC. The error that I'm getting is
import polars as pl
import psycopg2
import argparse
from utils import general_utils, AWS_S3, Postgres
def main(args: argparse.Namespace):
aws_config = general_utils.load_yaml(a…
### Bug Report
| Q | A
|------------ | ------
| Version | 3.6.4
#### Summary
When executing a `NativeQuery` like the following example, where `bar` is a JSONB column:
Postgres allows PLpgSQL variable declarations to inherit the type of a table row or column using special syntax ([docs](https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/plpgsql-declarations.html#PLPGSQL-DECLAR…
### Is your feature request related to a problem or challenge?
During the fix for [12655](https://github.com/apache/datafusion/issues/12655), I found that the root cause was that we parse real numb…