Focus on **reproducibility**, not about learning R.
collection of resources:
- [ ] https://nrennie.rbind.io/training-better-r-code/
- [ ] https://jmbuhr.de/dataintro/
- [ ] https://rstudio.git…
A typical file is composed of **source file** and **header file**.
Two versions of #include:
#include "file_name"
You can add information that can help you to locate the …
Please ensure that the code and project structure are well-organized and clean, following best practices of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles.
@jsteyn [also posted in slack](https://di-ncl.slack.com/team/UG7T3HPU7)
my proposed text for the R workshop Description in https://workshops.ncl.ac.uk/admin/core/workshop/27005. I've taken it from …
## Motivation
A quick & easy summarized version of original go link
### Error strings
- should not be capitalized (unless beginning with proper nouns or acronyms) or end with punctuation, since t…
## Instructions
1. Pair up with a volunteer and work on a piece of programming together
1. As a trainee, you will need to **explain your thought process,** **plan out what to do**, **write the cod…
## Instructions
1. Pair up with a volunteer and work on a piece of programming together
1. As a trainee, you will need to **explain your thought process,** **plan out what to do**, **write the code**…
## Instructions
1. Pair up with a volunteer and work on a piece of programming together
1. As a trainee, you will need to **explain your thought process,** **plan out what to do**, **write the code**…