Fedora 41 ships with Python 3.13, which results in a failure when compiling the service (`sudo ./install.sh`):
> sudo ./install.sh
gi/pygi-resulttuple.c: In function ‘resulttuple_dea…
picdc updated
3 weeks ago
I did a clone to port pychess to pygi. It needs work but you can play a game
against it Human vs Human.
Link to clone: http://code.google.com/r/jcheetham19-pychess-pygi/source/checkout
I did a clone to port pychess to pygi. It needs work but you can play a game
against it Human vs Human.
Link to clone: http://code.google.com/r/jcheetham19-pychess-pygi/source/checkout
I did a clone to port pychess to pygi. It needs work but you can play a game
against it Human vs Human.
Link to clone: http://code.google.com/r/jcheetham19-pychess-pygi/source/checkout
Some versions of pygi produce warnings like this on startup:
> PyGIWarning: Atspi was imported without specifying a version first.
> Use gi.require_version('Atspi', '2.0') before import to ensure tha…
I did a clone to port pychess to pygi. It needs work but you can play a game
against it Human vs Human.
Link to clone: http://code.google.com/r/jcheetham19-pychess-pygi/source/checkout
I did a clone to port pychess to pygi. It needs work but you can play a game
against it Human vs Human.
Link to clone: http://code.google.com/r/jcheetham19-pychess-pygi/source/checkout
I did a clone to port pychess to pygi. It needs work but you can play a game
against it Human vs Human.
Link to clone: http://code.google.com/r/jcheetham19-pychess-pygi/source/checkout
I did a clone to port pychess to pygi. It needs work but you can play a game
against it Human vs Human.
Link to clone: http://code.google.com/r/jcheetham19-pychess-pygi/source/checkout
After starting pygi widgets all three ways (pygi -> import widgets; pygi -i widgets.py; ./widgets.py) everything works, but then upon exiting (two ways: click red dot; pygi -> Quit). Below is example …
thazy updated
11 months ago