2024-11-05 02:41:35,095 DEBUG Loading installation info
Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
NoneType: None
Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
NoneType: None
Traceback (most recent ca…
this thing needs pyupdater to run which is deprecated and now errors on installation pls fix
JMSwag asked me to report this error here (Please report to python-ed25519. I get the same error when I execute ed25519 from the repl.), this is in reference of the fololwing issue:
I checked our dependencies, and we still have to wait for suitable NetCDF4 binaries (but they are already in preparation, [NetCDF4 issue 1370](https://github.com/Unidata/netcdf4-python/issues/1370)). …
Need to implement an updater method so the program can check if it's on the latest version and if it isn't, download/install the updated version, and replace the current install in the current directo…
There is actually a `win.exe` file but is under `ju-repo\\dist\\win.exe`
Here is the log:
→ PyUpdater-Demo: [master +3 ~0 -0 !]› justupdate build .\win.spec
2020-11-11 12:52 JustUpdate INFO …
## Description
PyUpdater 4.0 fails due to `dsdev-utils.helpers.Version._parse_version_str()` with an `AttributeError: 'LegacyVersion' object has no attribute 'major'` if version string is not PEP44…
To prevent users from having to manually install the new version every time, build an auto-updater that will deliver updates straight to the machine.
Implement a self-updater which checks for the latest release on GitHub, and either prompts the user to manually download it or automatically download it. Consider adding a system to allocate importanc…
Currently to update, users have to to the website and manually download and install the new zip of the program.
I haven't looked into it too much but PyUpdater seems like it might be what we are lo…