Hi @govorov. `uh-erb-loader` has been renamed to [`rails-erb-loader`](https://github.com/usabilityhub/rails-erb-loader/). As it is you've forked from an older (now deprecated) version of our loader, w…
Mostly relates to data fetching from the Ruby backend. The replacement should be a (globally available?) data binding that holds data like events, formats, genders, currencies, etc. that are currently…
Running the following:
`ruby -e $stdout.sync=true;$stderr.sync=true;load($0=ARGV.shift) /Users/swathishah/shopify-app/bin/spring rails --trace assets:precompile`
But I randomly get following error…
I'm trying to migrate an existing project from yarn to yarn 2 (with pnp) but I'm encountering a strange issue when it comes to `rails-erb-loader` and `webpack`/`webpacker`
I'm using rails-er…
This was originally posted at webpacker https://github.com/rails/webpacker/issues/785.
Using rails-erb-loader@^5.2.1 and webpacker gem 3.0.1, rails 5.1.4 and spring 2.0.2.
I've the problem that …
doits updated
4 years ago
I spent quite some time figuring out I needed the following syntax to get dependencies detected for my `.html.erb` files:
I see two solutions:
1. document this properly
2. iso. `/* rails-…
I have a controller at `lib/my_awesome_helpers/controller.rb` that looks something like this:
module MyAwesomeHelpers
module Controller
def print_some_stuff
return 'some stuff…
With a `js.erb` file of the following contents:
const ASSET = "";
The above crashes with the following exception (application name replaced with `myapp`):
ERROR in ./client/js/…
We're looking at migrating from webpacker to jsbundling-rails + esbuild. Any ideas on how to use `rails-erb-loader` with esbuild?
## Ausgangslage/Problem
- Aktuell wird für das Bundling und CSS Preprocessing Webpacker eingesetzt. Dieses Projekt [wird allerdings nicht mehr maintained](https://github.com/rails/webpacker#webpack…