I am trying to get users signature in my app
the code works fine and as desired in android but in ios it works only once and then it doesn't and sometimes it didn'teven work for the first time when…
When you swipe to make the signature, it only draws a dot
RN version 0.76.1
react-native-signature-canvas version 4.7.2
const SharedSignatureCanvas = (props: SharedSignatureCanvasProps…
# 웹에서 signature_pad를 이용해 서명(싸인) 받기 | 기억보다 기록을
웹에서 signature_pad를 이용해 서명(싸인) 받기, react, redux, javascript, html
![Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 1 01 41 PM](https://github.com/agilgur5/react-signature-canvas/assets/3107683/10aad32f-43bb-4425-819a-e56b4d11bb7a)
I get this warning in the browser console when calling…
I just face this problem with my new project. My previous project that using the old RN version don't have this error.
**_TypeError: ref.current.readSignature is not a function (it is undefined), …
# Feature Request
There is react-native-signature-signature-pad or some other drawing pad, those are great but they are quite outdated now. May we have them be improved and included in react-native-c…
Error message - (index.js:1 Warning: Function components cannot be given refs. Attempts to access this ref will fail. Did you mean to use React.forwardRef()?)
This is the code from my functional co…
const JobSignatureScreen: React.FC = ({
}) => {
const ref = useRef(null);
const handleOK = (signature: any) => {
const JobSignatureScreen: React.FC = ({
}) => {
const ref = useRef(null);
const handleOK = (signature: any) => {
The red area is HTML and blue is the signature pad, on all other devices this works perfectly.