while testing Redis.OM library we bumped into the problem with internal logic of SearchResponse.
Adding WithScores query flag to SearchAsync causes internal dictionary to try break if two docu…
I have same problem as Sabrina describes here:
Anybody know the answer?
We discovered a bug that MATCH (n) RETURN n throws AssertionError.
- RedisGraph version: 2.10.4
- Operating system: macOS 13.2.1
- API/Driver: Java
I first randomly create a graph. Then when I…
I'm running the example project of Redis OM for .Net.
Created by: @llooFlashooll
Source: https://github.com/RedisGraph/RedisGraph/issues/2930
We discovered a bug that MATCH (n) RETURN n throws AssertionError.
- RedisGraph version: 2.10.4
- Operating …
- RedisGraph version: 2.10.9
- Operating system: macOS 13.2.1
- API/Driver: Java
When I run the following query: `MATCH path=(a)-[*]->(b) WHERE ID(a)=3 AND ID(b)=5 FOREACH (rel IN relationships(p…
I had to do this to get started
import Redis from 'ioredis'
import type { Species } from '#lib/pokemon/Species.js'
export enum RedisKey {
GetPokemon = `getPokemon`
export type R…
Finding inconsistencies between the .NET OM package, Node OM package and regular Redis CLI / Redis Insight. The following query:
`FT.SEARCH products "@VendorId:{6b11fdc8\\-d5f1\\-477a\\-997f\\-ebc2c1…
We discovered a bug that Float overflow throws AssertionError.
- RedisGraph version: 2.10.4
- Operating system: macOS 13.2.1
- API/Driver: Java
When I run the following query: `MATCH (n:bTUxc_…
- RedisGraph version: 2.10.9
- Operating system: macOS 13.2.1
- API/Driver: Java
When I run the following query: `MATCH (n:bXynSSbi) WHERE (left(n.InbN7,n.R7SwNdcr)) IS NOT NULL SET n.R7SwNdcr = …