I've been keeping an eye on intermittent failures in various CI workflows that run sigstore tools (root-signing, root-signing-staging, sigstore-probers)... and my gut feeling is that sigstore-python f…
`/api/v1/log/proof` defaults to using the current shard when requesting consistency proofs. This will be an issue once we shard Rekor in production. As the shard changes, the consistency proof can't b…
We are hosting our own Sigstore and have deployed both Rekor and Fulcio with RSA keys hosted in AWS. We are not signing container images but exclusively blobs through e.g.
There are cases where using the public Sigstore deployment is not an option, e.g. privacy concerns. Some organizations may opt to provide their own Sigstore deployment. Verifiers mu…
## Summary
cosign's `sign*` commands currently output a signature's transparency log index number (as of v2.2.4). As an enhancement, it would be helpful if cosign also output the rekor entry ID.
SPIRE depends on the `github.com/sigstore/rekor` Go module for using Rekor APIs. This causes some maintenance-related challenges with dependency management because that project is designed to provide …
release page:https://github.com/tektoncd/operator/releases
root@ubuntu:~# cat test.sh
### Description
The [example](https://kyverno.io/docs/writing-policies/verify-images/sigstore/#ignoring-tlogs-and-sct-verification) on the website for disabling tlog verification check is out of date…
Architect a "Verified Reproducible Build Attestation".
Some useful links:
- https://www.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/2024-03/CISA_RSAA_User_Guide_18_March_2024.pdf
- https://cyclonedx.org/capabil…
In integrating Tessera into the Rekor log personality, we would like to have the Rekor server be able to return an inclusion proof to a client. In Tessera's model, this effectively makes Rekor its own…