When using SVGlib to convert plotly SVG charts created using Kaleido.
Hex colors containing the value "01" are converted to "FF" causing the color to change from what it is originally in the SVG.
I'm trying to render a mesh by passing in vertices, triangle indices, and vertex colors using the `OpenGLRenderer'`s `render_mesh` function.
I can see the geometry being rendered correctly, bu…
For the `design.color` property, I think it would be a useful enhancement to support either HEX/RGB colors and/or HTML color codes. This would provide an easy way to customize one's CV.
`map_rgb` on `RGBA` uses a `From` for the `A` type to make it match `T`, allowing code like `px.map_colors(|c| c as f32 * px.a as f32)` to just work and update alpha.
`map_colors` is just for the …
it doesn't work for 'fromARGB' function in Flutter
# Convert SVG color generation from HSL to RGB
## Description:
Modify the SVG identicon generation process to use RGB color values instead of HSL. This change will require updating the color c…
### Current behaviour
This adaptation doesnt work
import {
DarkTheme as NavigationDarkTheme,
DefaultTheme as NavigationDefaultTheme,
} from '@react-navigation/native';
import {adaptNavigatio…
Hi team, as always your new features are great, and it is fantastic that the [Color field](https://getkirby.com/docs/reference/panel/fields/color) is in the core.
## Description
But I have one is…
### Contact Details
_No response_
### What happened?
This library does not accept color notations for the `colors` property, which have spaces in them. For example these do not work:
- `"rgb…
### Expected behavior
On an older build of Paper this is what it looked like:
Raw terminal output: `[0m[07:12:52 INFO]: [0;38:5:59m[[0;38:5:167m![0;38:5:59m] [0;38:5:167mUnable to find a ma…