Thanks for this code. Where is the RGBNT201 dataset? In the home page of https://aihuazheng.github.io/publications/. The following link of the CODE is linked to this website. However, this link is for…
Thank you for your great work.
I have a question, what is the difference between RGBNT201 and RGBNT201-C in your dataset?
Thank you~
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/tiancun/EDITOR/modeling/backbones/vit_pytorch.py", line 666, in load_param
KeyError: 'state_dict_ema'
During ha…
2023-12-20 20:47:31,494 TOPReID.train INFO: Epoch[5] Iteration[220/467] Loss: 12.059, Acc: 0.090, Base Lr: 4.54e-03
2023-12-20 20:47:34,031 TOPReID.train INFO: Epo…
Hi @924973292 thanks for the repo and codes. Is it possible to upload the checkpoints of the best performing models for downoad, please?
Hi, thansk for your excellent works for nighttime ReID.
Would you please release codes for evaluation on datasets Knight / Night600 / RGBNT201_rgb / Syn_Dark, and your methods IDF (TMM2023) and CEN…
Nice work!
I wonder the performance of UniCat with the stride of [16,16] and w/o the additional "RandomGrayscalePatchReplacement"(compared to TransReID), could you release the result?
Thanks a lot!
I'm just new training different losses and try with --sphere. But it turn like this.
Before try --sphere, other losses worked! (circle, contrast, triplet)
`!python /content/vision/Person_reID_bas…
culxe updated
5 months ago