I recently upgraded my OS from Deb10 to Deb11. I started noticing coredumps from captagent after the upgrade. I am using captagent version `6.4.1`. I am running captagent within a Kubernetes po…
So I created a Widget type Metrics -> Prometheus and named it "test chart"
I selected all and even a single VQ RTCP-XR fields available.
I recall in version 5, there was installations of Homer with Kamailio and OpenSIPS so I hope one can help me here.
I have setup Homer 7 (Docker image) and Kamailio installed on the same server.
I am using hefix.js to collect IPFIX from Oracle SBCs and convert them into HEP. Then, i use heplify-server to store data into homer database.
I´ve attached some messages from hefix.js de…
So I just got the newest Homer7.7 via repository installed and running. I have FreePBX running latest build and latest Asterisk if that matters. I have mainly all Sangoma recent model phones with a …
I run Ubuntu 16.04.2 and Asterisk 13.15 using only chan_sip and latest homer running on a different host.
Using mostly default captagent config I get sip call detail sent to homer host with no issu…
Hi again guys,
Do we still need to run systemctl start flexisip-regevent as implied by the comments in flexisip.conf?
# Servers started by default when no --server option is specified
# on c…
We brought up an ipsec tunnel to the ISP, and a strange problem occurred.
The traffic which goes from the provider to the server where the captagent is installed through the ipsec tunnel is succ…
it looks like that my captagent has some problems.
but i can't figure it out, where the problem belongs to.
it just happens on the productive server, so where SIP data is generated and n…
I have been working on this for some time. There is really not much of anything on this in the wiki/docs.
Have the heplify-xrcollector (v 0.4) running on my test server Which has sipcapture/Homer i…