SALICON Saliency Prediction Challenge (LSUN 2017) Different submit zip file?
Hi, thanks for the great work!
When i set `results = saliency.get_image_saliency_results(model, img, input_tensor, prediction_tensor), methods=['gradcam', 'smooth_grad']` in [`cnn_pred_explain.ipyn…
[Saliency Prediction for Mobile Interfaces](https://arxiv.org/abs/1711.03726)
`3.4.2 Element-level Saliency`
We convert the pixel-level saliency maps into the UI element-level salie…
You should identify and read some (3-5) scientific papers or works where similar to your research.
I think that in the world of egocentric they use a lot the term "attention" as a similar concept to …
I created a simple model that adds a global pooling layer and then 2 dense layers to VGG16 and learns to discriminate between 3 classes. It goes like this:
base_model = VGG16(weights='imagenet…
I have a problem about the prediction with some PDB files. You say python predict.py --pdb_dir ./examples/pdb_files -ont mf --saliency --use_backprop. But in your pridict.py, the args do…
This is a valuable paper, I try to run your code, but the FPS on “3090 GPU” is low, as follows:
“Saliency prediction for ECSSD dataset [1000/1000] takes 0.050s per image”
is there something wron…
Hello, may I ask why the generator uses binary classification cross entropy? I think the mean square error should be used, because the saliency prediction is not a binary classification problem, but a…
Go through everything on our hard drives and upload the data in it's most flattened format, then in zip files. Any metadata or readmes will be included in this repo, not in the data.
Check that the…
### Problem Description
I've realized that SHAP doesn't have an implementation for Saliency Maps. Even though image_plots lets us compute the Shapley values for an image, it doesn't provide an attent…