Question: I noticed that Scrivener has an option to 'Convert Rich Text to Markdown' which basically attempts to do just that. Is there a benefit of using Styles, as you've indicated, over this option?…
mk-uc updated
5 years ago
I had a question about one part of your guide, though I don't know if this is pertinent specifically to Scrivomatic. I imported the compile/styles preset from your guide, and while it works well, for …
- [(2013-06-19) Citations in Scholarly Markdown](http://blog.martinfenner.org/2013/06/19/citations-in-scholarly-markdown/)
- [(2013-06-24) Citations in Markdown Part 3](http://blog.martinfenner.org…
Add scrips to format wizard, ie
screenplays formatting
comic bock script
stage play formatting
radio play formatting
video game script
This will likely be best if the list is in reverse order (most recent games first) and with pagination (probably with [Scrivener.Ecto](https://github.com/drewolson/scrivener_ecto) and [Scrivener.HTML]…
### Problem
When converting a file from Markdown → ICML I can't seem to change the size of images in InDesign with graphics frame styles. Setting a value of `{width=10cm}` within my markdown file …
I see that paragraph styles are converted with a "> Paragraph" extension added to the original paragraph style name.
Is there a reason for this redundant information? I find it a bit of an a…
ptram updated
2 years ago
I used you crossref examplae, because I'm switching from pure Markdown with Typora as my editor back to Scrivener. Your setup works fine, but I have issue with figures and tables:
1. In the ma…
It would be nice if keeping notes or exporting in Plain Text Files would still be lossless by keeping text formatting using markdown syntax http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax
The proposal is to provide a way to do `pandoc --defaults source.md` or `pandoc -d source.md`, and have pandoc read its default options from a particular part of the markdown document, then process th…