To integrate with Erlang modules and libraries that perform IO operations in an efficient manner, I think the stdlib could have some kind of "opaque" `iodata` type.
`iodata` in Erlang is defined as…
A good start for implementing this in OCaml is [`nice_parser`](https://github.com/smolkaj/nice-parser).
Probably initially it would be easiest to implement just for syntax errors
Since it is often required in Erlang that two kinds of processes have the ability to actively start to send data to each other, it is desirable that modules can be mutually dependent.
In order to f…
Are [polymorphic variants](https://dev.realworldocaml.org/variants.html#polymorphic-variants) planned? They are quite useful for error handling. I understand they complicate type checking, and can lea…
I am wondering what is the purpose of the `main_module` setting in the yaml configuration file. From what I can tell:
1. This value is not used when generating the rebar.config file
2. Compil…
I saw this on the Projects board. I can work on this chore, I would send PRs to here, rebar_sesterl_plugin and all project repositories. Would that be helpful?
When compiling [this project](https://github.com/michallepicki/test_sesterl_proj) (edit: that was at commit `d33db11c533513c24ce26225dbbf380bec552ad8`) I am getting the following output:
module Hello = struct
type bintree =
| Node($b, bintree, bintree)
| Empty
val rec tree_size(t : bintree) =
case t of
| Empty -> 0
| Node(_, t1, t2) -> 1 + tree_size…
Running on Erlang: 24.0.2
Erlang library tested: https://github.com/certifi/erlang-certifi
I was following the instruction here, https://github.com/elixir-lang/ex_doc#using-exdoc-with-erlang-proje…
More than inquiry than an issue, feel free to close.
I tried changing the concurrency example from the Readme, and I was not getting any type errors. E.g. I changed the type (pattern match structur…