converting 45degrees to DMS yields 45 00 0.4 There are probably other examples too
Here's a parentless parameterized type:
#! perl
use strict;
use warnings;
package My::Types {
use Type::Library -base;
Coordinate formatting is inconsistent between RA and Dec:
RA appears to be in decimal degrees, while Dec i…
Can you explain why input values 40 25 25.98 (for example) into sexagesimal() results in 39.57612 degrees ?
This doesn't make any sense to me. It should be 40.423883.
Feature request from Eisenstein:
It would be nice if one could type sexagesimal RA/Dec into the viewer (upper-
right corner). At present, typing HH:MM:SS or DD:MM:SS silently truncates
the mi…
Create vvvxPointings with VVVX tile Ids (B336 etc) and ra/dec
A 'show command' may report a counter value in the form of a sexagesimal value.
E.g : mm:ss , hh:mm:ss
This should be converted to integer : hh\*3600+60\*mm+ss in the database, so graphing can b…
This would be similar to field in OCS observing portal
When we choose the cooframe J2000 the grid is in J2000d and when choose J2000d the grid is in j2000 (sexagesimal)
I'm using proj4.js to convert geographic coordinates (degrees, minutes and seconds) to UTM coordinates (ETRS89 Zone 30). When I get my coordinates result of the transformation I'm checking t…