Create functionality to associate movies with theaters, enabling users to view showtimes and theater listings for specific films.
## Use case scenario and data source details
- UC3 scenario: Machine-readable theater schedule (showtimes) / Maschienenlesbarer Spielplan
- Stakeholder - Data Provider: Theatres and opera houses,…
Scrape showtimes 1 day or more into the future
does the underlying api permit extracting movie showtimes given a postal code? would be cool to have something like
imdb 94111 showtimes
imdb 94111 regal cinema
imdb 94111 iron man
@Fyurie has requested we update the Showtimes Release module to support additional functionality. Specs are in the IRC channel
Showtimes should be automatically updated on a nightly basis.
"Google Showtimes was discontinued on November 1, 2016. You can now discover showtimes on the search results page by searching for the name of the movie you want to see or try searching for the word “…
The current example in the readme fails on Fandango.theater_showtimes with a runtime error. Perhaps, fandango is redirecting based on user agent?
RuntimeError: redirection forbidden: http://…
Currently, when navigating to event details page from _now in theaters_ or _upcoming_ page, there are no showtimes visible. While there's an entirely different tab for browsing showtimes in the main p…