In Table 2 of your paper, I see that there are different size models, but I can't find parameters to modify these models in the code. How can I find these models for training
have you try shufflenetv2 with yolov3?
Add support for shufflenetv2.
Hi!, i'm curious of the mAP of your shufflenetV2 in openpose, can you share your model of it? and show about your results?
First of all, thanks for your perfect projects.
## Environments
pyhton: 3.7
pytorch: 1.7+cpu
torchvison: 0.8.1+cpu
system-os: ubuntu18.04
## Hyperparameters
lr: 0.001
momentum: 0.9
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W0228 17:40:05.151883 24972 gp…
is it faster and less calculation by the mobilenet on datknet ? · Issue #1 · zunzhumu/darknet-mobilenet
为什么CPU的速度能那么快? · Issue #22 · Zehaos/Mob…
Thanks for your excellent work!
Are the search criteria in regnet suitable for ShuffleNetV2? If I want to search a shuffleNet model with FLOPs 60M, can I design a search space based on this code?
E File "", line 1, in
E TypeError: slice indices must be integers or None or have an __index__ method
E During handling of the above exception, another exception occ…
RuntimeError: Given groups=1, weight of size [96, 116, 1, 1], expected input[32, 48, 76, 76] to have 116 channels, but got 48 channels instead.