Depends on:
- #13
- #10
- #17
Make a function for the bacteria to follow the chemotaxis
Depends on:
- #31 for `create_test_bacterium`
- #36 for `get_position`
Bacteria must be able to run and tumble as well as eat nutrients
Hi All,
I'm simulating a spectrograph image where I:
1. Start with telescope PSF (interpolated)
2. Truncate the PSF on 2 sides as though being blocked by a slit
3. Convolve the result with (i…
Hello. Thank you for this great tool!
I created a `.env` file and then ran `npm run start_log -- -- --simulate` but noticed that it actually started creating posts on BlueSky....
Here's an excer…
When I run the simulate_mics, I receive the following error:
Stopped on combined LL and parameters
Scale for y is already present.
Adding another scale for y, which will replac…
Hi team.
We're using Simulate from 'react-dom/test-utils' in our package, which is a dependency for other packages. However, Simulate is deprecated, and it's recommended to use @testing-library/rea…
Here is some fresh design for `Simulate ensemble`:
[Figma designs here](https://www.figma.com/design/SLO56PGmGq7kFQRFCeaPsY/Terarium---September-2024?node-id=603-116&t=NDRd81PqXGRBcJ9a-1)
May be used to synchronize accounts
This is just a discussion
It would be very useful to be able simulate faults to test how the program reacts to them.
@idoglanz I understand it's possible to simulate a car and drone, but is it possible to have multiple cars and drones? And do the number of drones have to be equal to the number of cars? Thank you.