### Description
I have an Ender 5 plus with an SKR 1.4 turbo and a TFT70 that I've recently upgraded to from a TFT35. When I setup the TFT70 I upgraded to the latest firmware. When I try and manu…
I upgraded the SKR Mini E3 V1.2 board and TFT35E3 V3.0 display at the same time and everything worked perfectly for a week then the touch screen went black. I checked the connections on the board a…
Running the first step in the installation process results in an error:
$ sudo apt-get install imagemagick build-essential libcairo2-dev libpango1.0-dev libjpeg-dev libgif-dev librsvg2-dev
For my oldest daughter in 3rd grade the 'ugeplan' is populated.
For the youngest in 0 grade there is no data.
Looking in 'minuddannelse' I see data for both.
'ugeplaner' in this integration app…
### Did you test the latest `bugfix-2.0.x` code?
Yes, Marlin bugfix dated 2021-12-26, and the problem still exists.
### Bug Description
Marlin bugfix dated 2021-12-26.
Command failed, you may submit a issue to https://github.com/ecomfe/reskript/issues/new
npm ERR! errno 99
npm ERR! aaaa@1.0.0 lint-staged: `skr lint --staged --fix --auto-s…
use the `npx @reskript/init` to create project.
run `npm start` successfully but `npm run build` failed with below errors, any thoughts?
node version: v14.18.1
I'm building a multi-board printer (right now one (board mcu)mega2560 and two minis (board xy and z), will add two more minis in the near future) with:
- 2x 5160 on XY board
- 3x 2209 on Z board
### Did you test the latest `bugfix-2.0.x` code?
Yes, and the problem still exists.
### Bug Description
So when loading Marlin version 2.0.8 firmware.bin on SKR_v14 or MKS_Sgen_L_v2, firmware reloa…
### Bug Description
When I compile Marlin for SKR PRO V1.x board and use TEMP_SENSOR_0 set to -5, I can compile without a problem because in .vscode\c_cpp_properties.json file for SKR PRO V1.x boar…