I've recently tried to run the Sleepy-Pi-Setup script on my RaspberryPi4 running the Bookworm Debian OS version.
I got an error like `This script only works on Jessie, Stretch, Buster or B…
I think I have bricked my Sleepy Pi 2 while working on my Sketch.
The Sleepy Pi 2 was connected to my Raspberry Pi while I saw I was not able to talk to the RTC:
I've uploaded a Sketch to the Arduino on my Sleepy Pi 2.
It wakes up every 10 seconds to print something (date, current, voltage and other) to the serial, but it also wakes up by alarm twice a day, t…
Hello, I bought the programming adapter to simplify development for my Sleepy Pi 2.
Because of this, I do not want to install Ardunio IDE and its many many dependencies into my OS.
Can we have a…
### wat
The format of adding 3rd party boards to ide had changed https://github.com/arduino/Arduino/wiki/Arduino-IDE-1.5-3rd-party-Hardware-specification
Consequently, the sleepy-pi setup is incor…
[Sleepy Pi](http://spellfoundry.com/product/sleepy-pi-2/) is a HAT that allows more control over the Pi's power cycle; it includes and RTC and some circuits that can be programmed to boot the Pi on an…
Hi everyone,
I am trying to connect my Sleepy Pi 2 board in the Arduino IDE but after I go the IDE > Tools > Board it does not show up the name of the Sleepy Pi. Also when I tried to see the examp…
Sleepy-Pi-Setup.sh fails when run on a headless installation of Linux (e.g. Raspbian Lite). The Arduino IDE requires a desktop environment to operate and cannot be installed without one.
While Ard…
Any chance of this going to pipewire in the future?