With smarty 3 and XOOPS 2.5.11, there are some modifications in the xswatch4 theme.
1 - File **README.md**
With smarty 3, now we used xswatch4.conf
so The README.md file isn't correct:
- Dual t…
The following code runs fine in Smarty 4, but gives a "Too many shorthand attributes" error in Smarty 5:
$this->smarty->registerPlugin(Smarty::PLUGIN_COMPILER, 'testcompilerfunction', 'foo…
With FlatPress 1.3.1, we ship Smarty 4.3.1.
In the meantime, [Smarty 4 has evolved to 4.5.2](https://github.com/smarty-php/smarty/releases) (as of today) - and even Smarty 5 has been released.
Some companies or state organizations do not allow the servers or the developer's computer to access the Internet. Others have a private PHP extension. I use the `Satis` term to speak of the private p…
I cannot find any documentation stating whether 3.1.x is still maintained and when maintenance of v4 will end. What is the current state of things?
After updating to the latest version, I received this notice in my error logs this morning.
`PHP Deprecated: Using unregistered function "htmlentities" in a template is deprecated and will be remo…
Hi there.
> Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Class "Smarty" not found in C:\wamp64\www\booking\lib\Email\SmartyEmail.php on line 9 Error: Class "Smarty" not found in C:\wamp64\www\booki…
The extension is throwing an error which seems to be triggered by some template which is not smarty4 compatible,
When trying to access the settings for the extension I get the following error
**Describe the bug**
In specific scenario when the open review is accepted, but not finished - it fails to load the reviewer grid on author dashboard.
**To Reproduce**
Steps to reproduce the beha…
This extension is not compatible with CiviCRM 5.74+ (I think, upgraded from 5.72.1 to 5.78.3) due to Smarty changes.
Attempting to load CiviCRM with this extension active results in the following e…