I'd like to plot a similar Smith Chart as below, which is generated by MATLAB, this is very valuable for our HW performance analysis.
I used ScottPlot to plot all the charts in my project, and…
In the following simulations, S[1,1] has a low value resistance as a load while S[2,2] has a short. The electrical length of the transmission line is approximately lambda/2 so there should be a comple…
It would be nice to clip the smith chart construction circles outside of the
desired range.
This can be done like this in plotting.py:
# loop though contours and draw them on the given axes
This is a feature request for smith chart plotting. Smith chart plotting for impedance traces in RF electronic circuits is great in plotly. Here it is an example plot produced with such functionality:…
This is a simple simulation of reflection coefficient on a transmission line (with variable length, 0, lamda, lamda/2, lamda/4) at frequency f =300 MHz.
The load is ZL = 75-j20 (Capacitor with C = 2…
Smith chart : saving is shown but does not create it in memory.
Is there any way to plot smith chart in Veusz?
tjndr updated
6 years ago
It would be nice to define a normalized impedance and zoom left to enlarge a region of the smith chart.
Based on reviews, some people might prefer using the Smith Chart for data visualization.
Is this a reasonable feature that can be implemented?
Reference: https://youtu.be/pNHWq4Owsb4
preferably implemented using Enthought Chaco