### Type
### Issue
I notice that is missing some SOLID principles to this Hotel Management System
### Feature
The ManageRoom class handles both the business logic (add, delete rooms) and…
Explained the SOLID principles in my language
1. A class should have one reason to change
2. A class can extends without modificati…
Learn more about solid principles
Single-responsibility principle
Open-closed principle
Liskov substitution principle
Interface segregation principle
Dependency inversion principle
This topic is already shared on 2020.9.24
Hi, me and my team where checking your project and we wanted to suggest you some changes in orden to apply the S.O.L.I.D principles.
SRP, this principle states that every module or class should hav…
Refactor this code towards S.O.L.I.D. principles.
This class is still open for modification, Let's say your manager is asking you to add …