### Aircraft Version
### Build info
"built": "2024-11-02T19:03:13+00:00",
"ref": "refs/tags/v0.12.1",
"sha": "2776100c286d3723826c62df36dc48207657d937",
The plugin works fine, but the engine sounds robotized or artificial. Is there any way to make it less artificial sounding or is that a limitation of plugins?
The app recently stopped notifying of new messages on at least Android phones. I'm running app version 1.5 with latest android 14 updates.
The DCEG 13.5 states:
> The ECDIS "system" attribute **default clearance depth** must be populated with a value, which must not be an empty (null) value, if the attribute **height** has not been po…
Similar to #118 , when recording System Audio with microphone while on a call, the audio seems to be accelerated in a way where one sounds like a chipmunk.
How to get the Station information and sounding indices like
> df, header = IGRAUpperAir.request_data(date, station, derived=True)
for Station number: 59280
Previous issue closed by the bot: https://github.com/2noise/ChatTTS/issues/196
With same params, the output sounds are completely different for same speaker.
import ChatTTS
import soundfil…
I have a custom sentence in french like this :
`[mets] [le] volume [à|a] {volume} [pourcent|%]`
(it means, put the volume to x percent)
Often, Nabucasa STT understands `mais` and the sentence doe…
Not possible to mute videos on Instagram and Facebook when the processing is activated. I press mute but video is still sounding.
Based on comment from @LucasoilCloud
Do we need this concept as a kind of SpatialSample #12 ?
Supporters are invented to propose a definition.