[Nrgnn: Learning a label noise resistant graph neural network on sparsely and noisily labeled graphs](https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3447548.3467364)
### 🚀 The feature, motivation and pitch
1. [Exphormer: Sparse Transformers for Graphs](https://arxiv.org/abs/2303.06147)
2. [SGFormer: Simplifying and Empowering Transformers for Large-Graph Represe…
Hi Abhijith, I haven't been able to test NetworkViz yet because of a Homebrew [issue](https://github.com/JuliaPackaging/Homebrew.jl/issues/175), but does it have [this](https://github.com/JuliaGraphs/…
hpoit updated
7 years ago
Ubuntu 20.04, CUDA 12.1
~/hierarchical-3d-gaussians/SIBR_viewers/install/bin$ ./SIBR_gaussianHierarchyViewer_app --path ~/test/camera_calibration/aligned --scaffold ~/test/output/scaffold/point_…
File "C:\Users\16645\Desktop\代码\Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Graphs via\1_train.py", line 56, in
File "C:\Users\16645\Desktop\代码\Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Graphs via\co…
Hey @gdalle, really cool stuff here!
I am quite interested in GridGraphs for the calculation of ecological connectivity. There is a cool distance metrics that has been introduced recently called th…
Is there a ongoing work to port scatter and sparse packages into Metal / MPS ?
**Description of bug**
Describe the bug clearly and concisely.
The documentation to Johnson's all-pairs shortest path algorithm is stated as O(|V|*|E|). This cannot be true, in particular if Dijks…
### 🚀 The feature, motivation and pitch
Explainability is a key feature of GNNs, which is already implemented in PyG. However, of all the features introduced, only a few have been adapted to heteroge…
There are several UI enhancements that would be worth to have in ultra.
For instance, many existing PRs done by @parttimenerd are basic stuffs that we really need to have in Firefox Profiler to mak…