hexagonal close packing of spheres in another sphere, cube or cylinder? Most of the theory on close packing seems to focus on optimizing the container (sphere, cube or cylinder) size to minimize the v…
My outputs for sphere-packing is missing the reflections of other spheres. Any hints as to why?
(Left is what it should look like, right is what mine looks like)
A common analogy in the Plurality community is that monist atomist systems think of freedom almost as a "sphere packing" problem of creating maximum for individuals while avoiding their colliding with…
# Algebraic proof of modular form inequalities for optimal sphere packings - Seewoo Lee
I uploaded a new paper on arXiv about modular form inequalities appear in the proof of optimality of $E_{8}$ an…
On sphere-packing, my ppm output is just the background colour. So all red for id, all dark gray for depth and the light lilac colour for normal.
# Situation
With 58656a5 in dev: The generator `pseudo_gravity_packing` with smooth enabled and clearance=0 will leave one voxel distance between spheres in some situations. The spheres touch with sm…
Hi Vasili,
I am investigating the microstructure of materials using Voronoi tesselation based on randomized sphere packing. Your work is well programmed and documented for implementation. Thank you…
# Problem
- Call to ```spheres_from_coords``` with just one sphere in df results in ```IndexError```
- Call to ```spheres_from_coords``` with just all sphere in one plane and that plane not being at…
For only the sphere-packing.json image, I am not able to see the spheres, only the plane background is shown. Both the inside-a-sphere.json and sphere-and-plane images are outputted correctly, so I'm …
I tried your simulator with Cylinder Gamma Distribution to represen…