Example flow:
Dog community
Search by "Age" template
Find all dogs aged between 4-5
- [x] Create a new branch for @kotobusdriver
- [x] Support
- [x] Merge the feature…
public PagedList findTopN(Specification specification,
Sort sortBy,
int pageSize,
I am getting the following error when I add a sort query:
`java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: Could not initialize class io.github.perplexhub.rsql.jsonb.JsonbSupport`. If I remove the sort query, the fi…
It is documented [here](https://docs.spring.io/spring-data/keyvalue/reference/data-commons/repositories/scrolling.html#repositories.scrolling.keyset) that keyset-filtering requires **all** the keyset …
egov-data-ibatis엔 검색관련 추상화 클래스가 없는것 같고, https://github.com/arawn/DevelopLab_Java/tree/master/spring-data-sqlmap 이 프로젝트에서는 SpringSproutCondition 이라는 Pageable 구현체로 도메인 필드를 추가해서 처리하는 것 같더라구요.
Quarkus 0.22.0
I just tried Spring Data JPA feature, the first limitation is JpaSpecificationExecutor does not work.
The `PagingAndSortingRepository `has a `Page findAll(Pageable pageable)` method.
The problem is that returning a `Page `will result in a count and a select statement.
The same problem is present…
# Writing dynamic queries with Spring Data JPA | Dimitri's tutorials
With Spring Data, we can easily write queries usinng @Query. For more dynamic queries, we can use the Example and Specification AP…
**[Vladimir Domashnev](https://jira.spring.io/secure/ViewProfile.jspa?name=v.domashnev@gmail.com)** opened **[DATAJPA-925](https://jira.spring.io/browse/DATAJPA-925?redirect=false)** and commented