There seems to be a bug in the code that decides whether a window is a dockapp or not. The problem occurs when using stalonetray in the WMaker dockapp-mode. When this occurs, stalonetray creates two…
elementary OS 0.3.2 Freya 64位
stalonetray 0.8.1 [ XPM:yes DEBUG:yes KDE:yes ]
**stalonetray 配置文件**
``` java
geometry 1x1+2+56
transparent true
I'm installing notion on a new machine, and so I'm trying to clean up my config. I used to use `mod_statusbar` with `stalonetray`, but I figured I'd give `mod_dock` a go. But I've been running into …
I want to use stalonetray with mwm.
The idea is to have a horizontal system tray window that expands when I add an applet and shrinks back when I remove the applet.
If I use the command:
I am using the xmonad and I add `stalonetrayer &` in my startup hook.
I set `geometry 1x1+1896+0` to make it stay at the top right corner. However, I noticed that sometimes the trayer panel would…
I don't use any bar and always have full screen available.
I only start stalonetray and nm-applet when I need to change wi-fi connection or connect to VPN, after that i kill both again.
I recently…
There is an option which sets strict panel size:
panel_size = width height
width = 0 to get full monitor width
Use % to adjust the panel size to monitor size.
I would like the panel size…
I'm following the instructions to have a nm-applet [here](https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/NetworkManager#nm-applet).
I have Arch with hyprland. stalonetray from official repos.
When I run:
I use stalonetray for the tray in FVWM based on Linux Mint 20. All programs have the right size of icons but the dc only has very small ones. Where is the icon of dc to put in the tray? In old version…
There is an option which sets strict panel size:
panel_size = width height
width = 0 to get full monitor width
Use % to adjust the panel size to monitor size.
I would like the panel size…