Hi, I was wondering if there is any chance you could make the Dockerfile for your image available on github/docker repo? From what I see [here](https://imagelayers.io/?images=cuzzo%2Fstanford-pos-tagg…
Does it support POS tagging for pre-tokenized text? As in here:
**Current Circumstances:
I've integrated the stanford ner functionality into a java service that has tens of millions of calls per day. I deployed in 3 clusters and allocated 10GB of memory per pod.…
After doing all these ,I am still getting null result. Am I missing anything?
Code :-
$pos = new Stanford_POS_Tagger('../PHP-Stanford-NLP-master/data/stanfo…
The [documentation for Stanford CoreNLP](https://stanfordnlp.github.io/CoreNLP/download.html) states that the POM configuration should be:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:/Users/ahmad/PycharmProjects/gittingdata/سثؤخىي صشغ/textblobarabic.py", line 5, in
blobb = TextBlob("""هندسة البرمجيات هي دراسة تصميم وتنفيذ وتعديل …
I have this code to run corenlp with spanish language. I use the databricks api in scala:
var props: Properties = new Properties()
props.setProperty("annotators", "tokenize, ssplit, pos, lemma, ne…
ghost updated
7 years ago
Dear all,
I get an exception when trying to annotate a very simple XML file.
I'd be very grateful to hear about ideas for workarounds since this is currently stopping me from working with CoreNLP …
Use automatically assigned POS tags (use the Stanford POS tagger) to the dev and test sets.
Here's my config option:
var options = {
'nlpPath' : './corenlp',
'version' : '3.5.2',
'annotators': ['ssplit']
coreNLP = new NLP.StanfordNLP(options);