Pre-release packages (e.g. `.dev`) have inconsistent versions.
$ pip install --no-build-isolation --no-deps --no-cache-dir -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ starfit
Looking in indexes: https:/…
With recent pipeline tests, the starfit tasks sometimes requires more than an hour. This seems excessive. Attached is a log from one task that completed successfully after 74 minutes.
Dear Timothy,
I installed isochrones in ubuntu on a windows laptop and tried to run starfit in anaconda. I got the following error message:
Holoviews not imported. Some visualizations will not…
- Plotting function for reservoir dynamics
- A flexible function that, for any of the Pywr-DRB reservoirs, makes a 3-panel figure with simulated:
- Inflow, Storage, Outflow
- STARFIT Normal Op…
I have a folder that contains three files: "star.ini", "fpp.ini" and the phase-folded light curve. I then run
`heller$ starfit --all .`
and MultiNest (v3.10) seems to be running just fine:
I think that the error occurs towards the end, and I've bolded it. Please advise.
conda activate isochrones
(isochrones) $ nosetests isochrones
Hi Tim, I'm having this issue with VESPA while trying to run the Kepler-22 example. If I run calcfpp I get the following error:
eesopee@eesopee-PC:~/Desktop/test$ calcfpp
Installing starfit in a Python 3.12 environment results in the following error:
$ pip install --verbose starfit
Using pip 24.0 from /Users/name/mambaforge/envs/my_env/lib/python3.12/site-pack…
@conradtchan @dliptai
I ran an upgrade to Fedora 37, something with the setup from the playbook did not work to properly install LaTeX / fonts for matplotlib.
kpathsea: Running mkte…