My dev team at Statcan would like to deploy an application to the alpha environment. I believe the following bit of code needs to be added to the file statcan.alpha.canada.ca.tf. I can submit…
I want to download the CANSIM table 12-10-0128-01 using the stats_can library. However I am getting an HDF5 error. I can load smaller tables without issues. Is there any workaround to this?
Continuation of https://github.com/StatCan/aaw/issues/1967
useruc - Standard_D64as_v5 -> Standard_D16as_v5
userpb - Standard_D16s_v3 -> Standard_D16as_v5
Should be good to implement https://git…
The following mamba install command fails to resolve
### Possible approaches to debug
- Ex…
**- [ ] Update data sources to:**
Potential source(s) - might be a proxy:
- **Urban greenness, 2001, 2011 and 2019** (https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/16-002-x/2021001/article/00002-eng.htm)
- **Census of Environment: Urban gre…
- [x] Manually add food insecurity data for the territories for 2020-2021 from the following data sources: https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/en/daily-quotidien/221103/dq221103d-eng.pdf?st=-1WriuZ8 and h…
The nodepools will be updated in https://github.com/StatCan/aaw/issues/1967 but we will require some logic for node selection.
1. Keep existing logic for notebooks that have higher than 14 CPU to b…
Data available for update: [https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/tv.action?pid=1310071201](url)
Trivy is out of date, and so it's scan is missing critical vulnerabilities.
I was playing with updating Trivy to see if I could solve the `TOOMANYREQUESTS` error that we frequently experience.